Tuesday, June 20, 2006

%$#%&*$ Mouse
I've had a mouse in my house for a week now. The little bastard has gotten brave (he made himself some oatmeal) so my husband and I put these little sticky mouse pads everywhere. Well, we finally got one. Half of his body was stuck to the pad and he was fighting hard to get away. I enjoyed every little squirm. Hubby goes outside and gets this long ass shovel to remove the trap.

"You have got to be kidding me?" I admonished him. I mean, I wasn't going to touch it but I didn't like seeing my husband unmanned by a rodent.
"I'm not kidding at all. Those suckers have fleas that can jump on you from like ten feet away."

I was dubious of his explanation but whatever...the mouse was gone and I was happy.

Yesterday morning as I came in from enjoying an early morning cup of joe on my back porch, I heard a little squeal. I paused to see if I could hear it again and checked the traps and didn't find anything so I went on about my merry little way. Later that afternoon, I was sitting at my desk (I work out of my home) and I am moving my feet around like crazy, getting up to check this and check that...clueless to everything around me. Progeny One comes in and is playing on the corner of my desk when he drops his toy. He bends down to pick it up and says..."Well we got another mouse and my Mario touched it."

"What?!" I bend down and sure enough. There lays another mouse a millimeter from where my feet were. I was wearing an awesome pair of shoes and I would have been PISSED if they would have touched that thing.

I called hubby at work.

"Did you put one of those rat things under my desk?"
"Well, we got another one."
"Yeah. Can you come get rid of it?"
"Baby, I'm at work. Can you not do it?"
"Absolutely not!"
Long pause...."I'll be there in a minute."

While I was waiting on him, my business phone rang. I ran and jumped into my chair and answered it. It was my best friend.

"Look, call me back on my home phone. There's a mouse in a sticky trap under my desk and I'm too scared to talk to you on this phone."

She calls back and I give her the run down on the situation.

"Girl," she says, "Those sticky pads are so inhumane. A mouse will knaw it's leg off to get away."
"I don't care."

In the background my housekeeper is babbling about her hatred mice, lizards and frogs to no one in particular. She's petrified of a critter. She once called her husband at work and made him come home because there was a frog on her front porch. I kid you not. So you know she was cutting the buck. Progeny Two is talking about how cute the mouse is and Mrs. E (housekeeper) tells him, "No it is not!" She acted like he cussed her.

"Girl," my friend tries again." Those traps are just so cruel."

"I really don't care. "

"You are not all about Stuart Little are you?" She says.

Long story longer, my little princess...the love of my life who has a smart little red bow in her fur as we speak, Annabelle, was PLAYING with it. She got the trap from behind the fridge (hence the 'squeal' I heard) and DRUG IT ALL AROUND MY HOUSE.

If I don't update my blog for a week or so, it's because I woke up one morning and found Annabelle with a trap and a mouse sitting on my bed.


Blogger Cyberoutlaw said...

LOL! That story is so familiar and brings back so many memories. And not nice ones either. Not to try to scare you or anything, but you need to find out where they're coming from and then plug up the hole with heavy steel wool and cement. They are prolific breeders and they rarely travel alone.

8:39 PM  
Blogger Maddie said...

Well it worked. I'm official SCARED. Thanks for the tips though. I'll pass them along to hubby...

9:16 PM  
Blogger 小蘋果 said...

Have you tried arsenic or anything that has cyanide?

10:17 PM  
Blogger T-girl said...

Hate to tell you this but if their is one there is 100 by the time you actually see them you have been infested for a while!!!! We had this problem when we lived in Germany... the fuckers NAWED throught the flipping WALL to get to my garbage pail. Anyway... I am freaked out by them myself, try taking a bath and in bolts your dog and cat in hot pursuit and barreling at you at high speed is Speedy Gonzales! I totally wigged. Anyway... the most common place for them to enter is under the sinks where the pipe goes through the wall. Many times if you use poison they will go outside to die (they want water) so you may try that, I have found that is the easiest way to get them- honestly they reproduce quick. My only warning and concern is to make sure your animals can not get to the poison OR dead rodents as they can poison them if they eat them (a munch or two has never hurt any of my animals though). This sounds odd BUT the best place I found to put the poision is on top of the fridge and way back of the sink.... in fact after you think you got all them leave some out for a month or so for thier offspring too! To be honest though if you have the money for it... call an exterminator, they are trained for this kind of combat and you will get to sleep quicker... honest to God I did not sleep for a month and REFUSED to go on one level of my home for weeks when we were infested I am THAT icked out... of course I had one of the suckers RUN UP ME when I was a kid! Still get shivers from that!!!!

Good luck from one war vet to another- I hate the suckers with a passion!!!! I have lots of other ideas also if you want more, let me know!

12:21 AM  
Blogger T-girl said...

Oh also... if you "let them go" make sure to do it MILES away from your home, they WILL come back if not- remember to them THIS is home know also! Nasty creatures!

12:24 AM  
Blogger Prunella Jones said...

Eeeeew I hate all those nasty critters with scurrying little feet. I don't blame you at all. I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it.

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need to buy a SNAKE Maddie!!!

12:34 PM  
Blogger Jen said...


i don't like mice either. same goes for roaches & spiders. alas, i am the designated rodent/varmint remover.

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, just be glad you haven’t come across NYC mice. They are so freaking smart you couldn’t catch them no matter how hard you try. I swear we’ve put out so many different types of traps and nothing catches them. We had this mouse I affectionately called our friend Mickey because nothing we did got rid of him. Extermination. Nothing. Traps. Nothing. And just for fun, he found a way to get the food from the trap without getting caught in the trap. I swear to you. We’ve put out those sticky traps with food on it. The food disappears but no Mickey. We’ve put food on 2 different types of snapping traps and they find a way to get the food without the trap snapping. We tried peanut butter and he was smart enough not to touch it. I don’t know whatever did happen to little Mickey. He just up and left us. But we had him for months and drove us nuts!!!

3:51 PM  
Blogger sharonje927 said...

Hope you'll get rid of them soon Kimmie!

LOOL! Z thinks they're cute huh? Good thing he didn't ask you if he can have them as pets.

4:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl... DAMN... these comments would be enough to terrify anyone! I do think I see a couple things I've told you before too. It's that creek. Drain it and fill it with dirt and plant a nice garden. And totally carpet the lawn with mothballs. You got that many rats you know what's lurking around in the shadows... :)

7:54 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

oh btw when i mentioned somethingto my dad about mice.. he said if you see one then there are usually at least a dozen in hiding somewhere close.

3:01 PM  

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