Maybelline Called...They Want Their Make Up Back
First let me say, I am not slamming Maybelline makeup, but we all remember the girl in highschool who wore foundation four shades too dark and had a line. This is her. Dominique Swain is the offender in this case. The sad part is I LOVED her in that movie, Girl. She was so cute! But now she looks like Trailer Puddin'.
Dominique: I mean...honey...the makeup should BLEND with your neck. And an aside look like you just drank four bottles of Boone's Farm. Don't pose like that.
What is going on with your wig there? HONEY...lay off the chemicals. You look like you had four straightners in one day. As my beloved grandmother used to tell me, "You look like a cats been sucking on your hair."
I don't want to end this post on a negative note so I will say this about Dominique: She has a really nice looking arm pit.
Good Lord! I open up you blog and I am being stared at by the worlds ugliest woman! Not only is her make-up BAD, BAD, BAD she looks like an 80's REJECT! Honey call them and ask them for a foundation that matches and some mascara and lipgloss! Gees!
Oh, and unless you are Madonna on stage... no one wants to see your pits!
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