My lovlies...please forgive my absence. I have been %$#&%$%$ crazy at work and other stuff and I've pretty much had the worst week of my life but I have missed you all! Please bear with soon as I get through with the laundry (my housekeeper is off for God knows how long and I am getting in touch with my inner domestic diva. I hate her (my domestic diva...not my housekeeper). I've missed you all but I simply haven't had time to watch Flava Of Love let alone update my blog.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
My lovlies...please forgive my absence. I have been %$#&%$%$ crazy at work and other stuff and I've pretty much had the worst week of my life but I have missed you all! Please bear with soon as I get through with the laundry (my housekeeper is off for God knows how long and I am getting in touch with my inner domestic diva. I hate her (my domestic diva...not my housekeeper). I've missed you all but I simply haven't had time to watch Flava Of Love let alone update my blog.
So check back in an hour or so...and I'll be my beautifully bitchy self once again.
No worries, Sweet. We've all had weeks like that. It's good to take a break now and then anyway to keep the snark fresh. I've also started a new project that is driving me to the brink of insanity and I've been surfing more than posting. Oh well.
Ahh, this actually makes me feel better. I've been out of the loop and just finally back into things so I am glad to see I didn't miss too much. Although, I'm very sorry you had a tough week. I hope this week gets better!
I thought you were some sixteen year old girl making this whole thing up. You mean you really are a woman/mother with children, husband, parents, dogs, job?
Hug! I was wondering were you have been!
THANK YOU!!!!! I would MUCH rather look at this rose, then JLo's Putunia, one more day and I was going to have to hack your server!! LOL
That's OK Maddie. I thought I have to catch up with your blog too since I haven't resurfaced for a while from my reading. :D
It's good I came back in time. :D
Your housekeeper? Oh you lazy bitches!
Please, pleeeeeeeeeeease tell me you're kidding about watching Flava of Love. I don't know if I can ever speak to you again let alone be seen in public with you at any given point in time. Please tell me you were joking!
And hurry up and update the darn blog. Things have been seriously lacking in the "snarky humor" department. I need a fix. The laundry and cleaning can wait. We're more important.
So glad to hear the laundry didn't bury you alive!
I have missed your snarky humor, too. It really brightens up my day. *g*
Yeah're in the clear. I broke down and hired a temporary maid service. They'll be here on Friday. I was weak when I called. LOL...How pathetic am I?
Thanks for being so willing to help me, but you're free. I'll call you later.
take your time, life gets hectic!
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