Thursday, September 07, 2006

Where's Maddie?
This is a picture of the University Of Alabama football stadium. It was taken this past Saturday night at the UA vs. Hawaii game from a helicopter. I am somewhere in this picture with my bonus child, "D". Top deck, left side. There I am...see?

So we're sitting there watching the game and it is so crowded...largest attendance in the schools history. And it's hot. And we're sweaty. And we are on the side that faces the sun (which as just gone down minutes before) and we are sandwiched between a woman and her daughter on one side and a couple on the other. The wind starts blowing and funk assaults my nostrils. I'll try to describe it without going into all the graphic know how when a woman is...having an intimate relationship with Tampax or Kotex? Well...obviously the woman (not the one with the child) was having one and she was hesitant to depart from it. She had been sitting out in the hot sun and had not made any trips to the bathroom to 'take care of business and freshen up' in a really loooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggg time. Everyone following me?

So my nose hairs are burning and I want take my shirt off and make a makeshift gas mask. The bitch is rurnt. D looks at me and goes, "Dude...what's that smell?" What do you tell a seventeen year old young man? I tried to be as delicate as possible but I told him what I thought it was. So obviously the woman knows her knickers are kicking it, cause she leaves the game early. She has to walk in front of me and D. When I tell you the woman's bum passed not even three inches from our noses...D and I both looked at each other and D goes, 'Oh my God," as if he cannot even comprehend something smelling so foul. The wind is blowing hard to.

So our noses stop bleeding and the wind settles down. Then, the bottom fell out. D looks at me and says, "Dude...somebody's baby farted." I look babies are anywhere in the vicinity. I'm thinking someone has a skid in their underwear after that one, cause it was horrific. I tell D to take his shirt off and wave it around in surrender. So for the rest of the night, we listen to the little girl beside us scream cheers the entire time, at the top of her lungs, even when we were doing bad, and she smells like poo.

Ah...nothing like football in Autumn.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel for you. Your words are so vivid, I feel like I was sitting next to you. Which is NOT a good thing. *shudder*

10:57 AM  
Blogger Pamer said...

Gives new meaning to "Roll TIde"...

Fake News caster: "A rolling tide of funk washed upon the crowd during this past Saturday's game vs Hawaii..."

12:08 PM  
Blogger Pamer said...

Gives new meaning to "Roll TIde"...

Fake News caster: "A rolling tide of funk washed upon the crowd during this past Saturday's game vs Hawaii..."

12:08 PM  
Blogger T-girl said...

UCK! THAT is the worst and your poor step-son, he should NEVER have to know about these things let alone have to experience them! My condolences out to you both, keep an eye out for the card!

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude! Sounds like you should have stayed home and watched the game on tv!

And what you should have told that woman was that you were there to watch the game - not smell her SPB (stale period blood). How can people walk around smelling like that!?! *shaking head* I just don't get it.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Jen said...


mayhaps take a bit of vicks vaporub with ya and dab a bit under your nostrils when noxious fumes beckon.


sorry. and btw, i can't imagine trying to explain that smell to anyone.

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


i can see you maddie! pull your skirt down, no one wants to see the color of your panties.

3:17 PM  

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