If you were listening very closely on Monday, you could hear hundreds of people whisper "Oh, shit!" when Lin Wood announced he would be representing Howard K. Stern against the media who has systematically destroyed this man. I for one, began rubbing my hands together and licking my chops at the prospect. Greta Van Sustren and Nancy Grace would be on my long list of bitches...I mean reporters who'd be centered in my cross hairs.
When it was only a rumor, Greta tried hard to warn Howard from filing suit against her and other's like her by not so subtlety reminding Stern that he would open himself up to depositions and questioning by those he's accused. (Lin Wood addressed this in his official press report and simply said, "Howard ain't scerrt.") I still don't think she gets it. Why would that bother him if he has nothing to worry about? She's already convicted him in her mind, so her narrow view does not allow for the possibility that he's not guilty.
See, the thing is L. Wood does not play. He quit school because they had recess. If you will recall, he represented Richard Jewell, the tubby guy who was falsely convicted by the media of the Atlanta Bombings, of which Eric Rudolph was later proven to be the culprit. Fact of the matter is...L. Wood has never lost a case.
And he's really hot.
But the mainstream media is not the only one who could be targeted. Anyone whose made claims against HKS, be it bloggers, po dunk radio reporters, po dunk television reporters...anyone who has published any kind of report are at risk.
If you will recall, I published a post in defense of HKS back in March. I did use the word enabler and I'll admit...I felt a twinge of concern, but then I realized it was gas. (My husband's gas...'cause I don't 'do' that sort of thing).
So, have fun scrambling Nancy, Greta, Court TV and everyone else. Your day of reckoning is at hand.
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