Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Warning: Political Rant Ahead
Some of you may be aware of a film that debuted at the Toronto Film Festival last night entitled Death Of A President, which features a simulated George W. Bush being assasinated by a sniper bullet. Most Americans, regardless of their political leanings, are offended greatly by this mocumentry. Myself included.

What bothers me most is that those in the British media refuse to speak out against this film. I think it's irresponisble and from the clip I've seen, it's evident the filmakers are guilty of wishful thinking. What I find so ironic is that some Britians accuse Americans of being uncivilized and barbaric. Hello Pot.

No offense to my UK know I love you dearly!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would bet money that if one of the american film makers made a movie about someone shooting someone important in the UK, then they would be all offended. i mean, don't shoot gwb. he's a dumbass. just impeach his ass. i'm a registered voter. i vote in every election. not ashamed of voting for anyone - EXCEPT HIM! i promise you, he is more blonde than i am. at least i admit i'm blonde. he refuses to admit anything. yes, maddie, i'm through ranting now.

6:30 PM  
Blogger T-girl said...

LMAO! Yeah, I just heard about this film myself last night! Persoanlly I think it is stupid and offensive and just in poor taste and judgement! I would say that about ANY President, PM, ect being the bases of it. At first I though it was suppose to be a, I don't know how to explain, documentry type dealeo- like what would happen if he was not there type thing, but then I got to reading up on it and it is a MOCKumentry. NOT good politics AT ALL! I am not really interested in seeing it and I am NOT W fan... at all as you well know! LOL

Pink, glad to hear that! LMAO I didn't vote for him so I feel no guilt! LOL

9:28 PM  
Blogger David said...

I don't know if I should be sarcastic or serious about this. First, it is really a stupid thing. Assasination is nothing to kid about no matter who the alleged victom might be, anywhere in the world. It's just too bad these guys didn't want to make a love story rather than a violent one.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm all for free speech. However, just b/c someone invokes their right to free speech automatically excludes them from being tacky, tasteless, rude, and just downright wrong.

We always hear the example about being able to say what you want, but you don't yell "fire" in a crowded theater b/c it's just wrong.

And while Dubya doesn't "look" good these days, I encourage people to research the politicians who are now bashing is your friend.


3:52 PM  
Blogger T-girl said...

SL- Actually freedom of speech is only garaunteed if do not infringe on the rights of others. People always seem to forget that though! LOL

Oh, and they all are full of crap, to be honest. Let's face it, the moral code of Washington revolves HEAVILY on the theory "you scratch my back I will scratch yours" in both figurative and litteral senses! LOL

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Political leanings aside, this movie is just offensive and inappropriate. And it should have never been made.

I think sometimes people hide behind the "freedom of speach" right a little too freely. I agree with SL that it gets taken to an extreme. However, it is now against the law to yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater. Makes you wonder whether that should be taken a step further. But that starts a whole other argument about how far is *too* far. . . .

12:25 PM  
Blogger sharonje927 said...

That is not very funny. I think the people who made that film are really sick.

Yes, there are a lot of jokes about GWB around, but that is just extreme.

2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in 6th grade and being raised as a good Republican (Still am so don't anyone think I switched).

JFK was shot and killed. The country, indeed the world, mourned...

I don't remember ANYONE rejoicing over it. I remember crying on the way home from school. I realized for the first time in my life that evil people really did exist.

I think the makers of this movie and the people that are glad for it are of the same character as Lee Harvey Oswald.

I was right to realize there are evil people in this world. I assume Adam and Eve felt the same way after Cain killed Abel...

12:39 AM  

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