Friday, March 24, 2006

My Name Is Earl

Last night, my husband took me to dinner for my birthday. A lovely suprise awaited me as my entire family sat there, squashing my hopes of an Appletini. We were loud of course...we always are...but this young couple sat across from us and stared the entire time. THE ENTIRE TIME. Our kids were fighting over the balloons, my oldest had his hands down his pants playing pocket pool and my nephew, who has hearing loss, screamed the entire time. What was the big deal? If you don't like to eat around kids, then go to a restaurant that caters to young, miserable couples who are most likely democrat (sorry could not resist).

I made sure they knew I was aware of their disdain for us by telling my sister-in-law that people who stared at other people were ENORMOUSLY rude in a really loud voice. They continued to stare...I'm sure thinking that we all must not get out much. I can only imagine how far we sunk further in their esteem when my husband asked my brother to try one of his oysters and THREW it across the table.

I've never been more proud of him than I was at that moment.


Blogger Sharie said...

Oh man! LOL!! I'm glad you had a blast on your birthday Kimmie!

And I hate rude people who stares!!!

And I'm glad P did that too! LOL!!!

12:58 AM  

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