Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Notebook
Ever see that movie? It was great right? Well guess what Ryan? I have a notebook too. It's divided into several chapters and chapter two is entitled "Never Wear A Pseudo Tuxedo Shirt With Grey Slacks". How do you expect to continue deepening the relationship with your Notebook co-star, Rachel McAdams if you show up at event wearing this get up? Do you honestly think any woman wants to share bodily fluids with a man who wears a T-uxedo? WITH GRAY PANTS?

Looks to me like someone has been raiding the clothing bins on the side of the road.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost spit my coffee out on this one! Sux to be him... I thought he was so cute in that movie.

You are sooooo wrong about the side of the road thing!!! :)

9:16 AM  

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