Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Nutrition 101
Victoria Beckham and her husband, Becks, are reportedly expecting their fourth child. Vicki (I bet she hates that name) is said to be concerned about not gaining enough weight to sustain a healthy pregnancy and is said to be upping her daily caloric intake from 4 calories per day to 8.

We get it okay? You're Fertile Myrtle. Now go eat a hamburger.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

V.B - I can't stand that bitch. I don't actually know a single person who does.

Her husband is as thick as pigshit too.

Anyway (fave word) back to her. The stick insect seriously needs to eat. Blocks of cow fat, I suggest.

Then retire quietly in a chair in the corner and never bother us again.

3:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't ya just love the way he plays around and everyone blames her "she was too involved in her own career" (laughs), "she wasn't paying him much attention". It's so good!

I thought she'd "trapped" him enough with three kids. She's clearly a stable woman.
Let's hope she does retire P&T.

4:31 AM  
Blogger Maddie said...

Now what exactly does it mean 'thick as pigshit'?

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL Yeah, Maddie - I'm wondering the same thing. I may actually want to borrow that phrase. After I figure out what it means, that is. . . *g*

And as for the comment about her being too involved in her own career, I have to ask. . . . what career??? And I'm sure he can play around all he wants - as long as the $$$ stays with her. True love. . . ain't it grand?

8:18 AM  
Blogger The Mistress said...

"Thick" is Britspeak for stupid. "Thick as pigshit" is a popular term there to describe someone who's not very bright.

MJ - Brit-US translator

10:27 AM  
Blogger Maddie said...

Thanks MJ...what would I do with out you?

8:41 PM  

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