I decided to take ballroom dance lessons, and so far, I'm loving it, except for one tiny problem: My instructor has fierce body odor. My first lesson was later in the day, so I gave him a break, but my subsequent lessons have been earlier (in fact...I'm his first lesson of the day) and homeboy's pits are kicking it.
Yesterday when I got home, his B.O followed me around all freaking day. I washed my hands raw, I took a shower, I did everything I could think of and I could still smell his nasty ass. HOW CAN ANYONE HAVE RANK PITS THE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING???? I shudder to think of why he, in Southern terms, rurnt.
I had an epiphany when we were getting ready to practice the Tango and he held his hand out and there was dirt in his fingernails: he doesn't bathe. I couldn't even concentrate on 'quick, quick, slow, slow'. He even commented that I seemed pre-occupied and it was on the tip of my tongue to say, "You think? I'm about to faint from taking four tiny breaths per minute."
So what am I to do? Call his boss? I would DIE if he knew it was me. I thought about writing an anonymous letter telling her, but what if he figures it out? I have to do something though...I spend too much money for these lessons to be inhaling noxious fumes the entire time.
If I don't figure out something soon, I'm wearing a Hazmat suit to my next lesson.
I think the letter is the best route to go. B.O. is repugnant and why waste your money for that?
Do what the morgue people do - Vick's Vaporub under your nose. If he asks, you're coming down with a cold. Or - an anonymous gift basket of deodorants and scented soaps. You know - the subtle approach. ;)
You may have just saved my life.
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