Monday, May 07, 2007

Poor Wuttle Paris
"I was treated unfairly," Paris Hilton says of her 45 day jail sentence. I have to agree. She's a celebrity. She should have been able to get four more DUI's before she was even slapped on the wrist. What is the world coming too when celebrities are no longer given special treatment? It's a world I don't want to be apart of, I can tell you that. Jail is for regular people who have jobs and problems. Not people like Paris who should be encouraged to disregard the law and safety of citizens. Who cares if she could have killed somebody? She is on the Simple Life for God's sake. That should count for something. Who needs a valid driver's license when you have your own CD? People. Please. Let's get things under control before something crazy happens and celebrities have to start paying for stuff.


Blogger b13 said...

What a freak.

10:53 PM  
Blogger T-girl said...

God do NOT get me starting on this hussy! (My grandma is proud btw I called her that! ROTFL) My heart bleeds for her, it really does! NOT! Send her to jail, send her to jail! I jumped up and down and smiled for three days because of this news, I LOVE it! My fav comment on it came from Rupert Everret (major hot but damn is that man gayer then gay, so sad!) and something about ass f*cked! Anyways, I wanted to smack that dumb idiot into next centry when she told us WHY it wasn't her fault, evidently I am the only one who reads things I sigh!

10:56 AM  
Blogger Rob said...


5:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i say instead of sending her to jail, they send her to my home town where she has to live as my parents do for a month. i guarantee you she'll never do anything wrong ever again. picking peas in the hot humid south? that should fix her right up.

11:17 PM  

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