Thursday, November 22, 2007

Oksana Baiul: A Lesson In Denial

And I'm not taking about her either. I'm talking about me. I refuse to believe that anyone would purposely and in a sober frame of mind choose to adorn themselves in such a manner. She looks like a giant Nexium pill wearing a fur coat. Or a glow in the dark condom (or con-dome if your my mother). For someone who could be accused of wearing a prophylactic, she sure is showing lots of teeth (why I have no idea) and it's because she's either:

a) drunk
b) high
c) excited that her photo is being taken (even though she probably thinks it's because she used to be a famous ice skater and not an atrocity upon fashionable society.)
d) drunk

I wish her people would take this situation in hand and bang her over the head a couple of times like Tonya did to Nancy's knee.

We *whack* do *whack* not *whack* wear *whack* purple *whack* moo-moo's *whack* in *whack* public *whack * unless *whack* your *whack* name * is *whack * Marsha *whack* and *whack* you *whack* are *whack* dragging *whack* your *whack* husband *whack* out *whack* of *whack* a *whack* strip *whack* club.



Blogger b13 said...

Oh my God, she turned into Mrs. Roper!

10:47 PM  

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