Tuesday, January 31, 2006

This British actress (who shall remain nameless out of the pure kindness of my oxygen rich heart) reminds me of the time I hid in the woods spying on my husbands bachelor party. It was a cold night in October, three weeks before my wedding. My husband's best friend was in charge of my husband's final tribute to singledom. Every pore, every cell, every neuron in my body cried out that I must, at all costs, encourage him not to go. Or at least find a way to spy on him if he did. So, as was the way of our relationship, I talked my best friend into allowing her husband to go so that she could see if he was to be trusted as well. Surprisingly, this argument worked with her. We plotted and schemed for two solid weeks, pretending nonchalance that the man who was organizing my husband's final fling with the boys, did not know most of the strippers at Charlie's. Our plan was fool proof and involved the following:

1. We would dress in black.
2. We would use binoculars so we could hide far enough away to avoid detection.
3. We would tell no one.
4. We would swap vehicles.
5. We would drink alcohol for fortification.

The big night quickly approached. Everything was followed to a T. As we sat in her brother's 4- runner, half way to our destination, I asked over the little diddy about Jack and Diane if Marsha (friend) had remembered to bring the binoculars.

"Shit!" She forgot. So we turned around and I calmly reminded myself that we had plenty of time. I nursed my Jim Beam and Coke as we made our way back over the ten miles we had just come from. We pull into her brother's drive and I wait for her to get the goggles. She runs in and out in less than two minutes. My nerves calm. Other than that little glitch, everything is going as planned.

The dirt road leading to the cabin where the party was held was about three miles long. We parked the SUV about a half mile away, got our backpacks and made our way deep into the woods. We took our time because each snap and crackle of the sticks and twigs was magnified in the night. After an eternity, we were far enough away to avoid detection but close enough to feel comfortable about what we saw.

"Hand me the binoculars," I whispered to Marsha, holding my hand out as my eyes were trained on the possible den of iniquity. I felt her place them in my hand. They felt strangely...light...and singular. I looked down. "What the hell is this?" I asked in confusion.

"It's binoculars." She said.

"No it isn't. Bi would indicate two lenses. This only has one. This is a monocle. And why does it have Marlboro light on it?" I could feel the tension creeping up my spine.

"I traded all of those Marlboro Miles in and got two of them. Here is the other one. Just put them both up to your eyes at the same time," She suggested.

I looked at her in wonderment and handed them back to her, patting her hand. I didn't bother to explain that my vision would be distorted for life if I was to do that so we just sat there, saw nothing, and left.

On the way home we cranked up the radio and felt secure in the knowledge that our men were good boys and worthy of our adoration. We went home, kicked off our shoes and relaxed in front of a Lifetime movie. I am grateful for some small favors however...I chose not to change into a BURGANDY MUMU LIKE SOME PEOPLE I KNOW.

And then the phone call came.

I was still dressed head to toe in black, including a pair of black socks with gold reinforced toe. I slid my socked feet into the nearest shoes available to me. And the shoes you see above you are similar to those.

I raced back to the party in black socks. And Sandals.

Why does this picture remind you of all that you may ask? When I think back to that night, my mind does not call forth memories of my husband in a hot tub with strippers. Sans underwear. It does not recall the words I used as I informed him that he could BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. It only remembers that I entered into the most mysterious of the male domain. Wearing black socks. And Sandals.
Conversations With My Mother Part One

Mom: "Hello?"

Moi: "Hey...guess what I did today?"

Mom: "What did you do sweetie?"

Moi: "I got a tattoo. It says Jesus in Aramaic. Its a dead language."

Mom: "Your body is a temple! The Bible speaks out against marking your body!"

Moi: "I know but it says Jesus. In Aramaic."

Mom: "Well. The thought was nice but its still wrong."

Moi: "I put it on my shoulder blade."

Mom: Gasp..."Tell me you didn't!"

Moi: "I did. Its in Aramaic."

Mom: "Please tell me you didn't. I am really hoping you are going to tell me you didn't."

Moi: "I did. But it says Jesus mother!"

Mom: "You know what? I'm not surprised. You went and got your navel pierced and you get all those buttocks shots!"

Moi: "You mean Botox."

Mom: " What?"

Moi: You said 'buttocks but I think you mean Botox."

Mom: "Well you know what I meant. I am just really disappointed."

Moi: "Well I am just kidding. I didn't really."

Mom: "I am so glad."

Moi: "Okay...well...I'll talk to you later."

Mom: "Bye sweetheart."

Moi: "Bye."
I am pretty sure the world is conspiring to annoy the piss out of me. I am well aware that 80% of the worlds population are idiots, just as I am also aware that it is their right to be so, but Lord have mercy.

Do you really need every single item that you order in the drive thru at McDonald's to be in a separate bag? Can you not sort the order out at the office? And Ms. Employee of the Month...turn your headset up so you can hear my order the first time. Did I ask for fries? Did I ask for Coke? No. Just a cheeseburger. I am not going to cave in no matter how many times you ask.

Papaw...get a cushion from home to sit on while you're driving in the car so you can see over the steering wheel and get out of the left lane going four.


Hubby, who has been on my back to quit, begged me last night to go out and buy a carton and smoke at least three before I came back...obviously I have been a tad testy.

I'm sure my listeners have got to be wondering what possessed me...I have been such a bitch and I think I am going easy on myself. I am going to be nicer tomorrow.

I am beginning to wonder if I have "Please. Waste My Time." printed on my forehead. I always get stood up! I was supposed to meet a cameraman for a commercial shoot for a client whose advertising I handle and he never showed, never called...nothing. What really makes me mad is that I scheduled my whole day around the dang thing! Needless to say, he is going to get an earful just like the Comcast guy did.

It was kind of cold today...I am so ready for March so I can tan this lillywhite skin of mine. I look like a corpse. I tried the fake bake but you have to have a degree in Engineering to figure out how to put it on without looking like Lindsey Hohan. And that would be tragic.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Today is going to be a great day. I can feel it. I could not fall asleep last night (or this morning) until about 2:00 am and I woke up at 7:00 bright eyed and bushy tailed. I don't know if quitting smoking does that to you but I like the way I feel.

I have to go to the grocery store today. I cannot put it off another day. Not only are we out of fun stuff, but we are out of basic necessities as well. No bread, no milk, no mayo, coffee, sugar, pickles...the list is endless. Plus I have to get all of the gossip rags. I LOVE those magazines. It is one of the highlights of my week.

Well, I am off to read now. Tomorrow I am going to hit the gym hard and heavy so I wont gain weight from not smoking. If I do...all bets are off. I will just have to start again. I know I know...I have a diagnosis but I can't help it. I am me.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Mad World

I could eat a Marlboro Light the size of my leg. I would lick it first then I would tease it with a lighter. After I lit it, I would take the biggest drag known to man. I would inhale so deep, smoke would boil out of my toenails, and I would smoke the entire thing in one, long puff.

The focus of my blog is not going to be my fight against smoking...it is just the only thing my mind is capable of thinking about right now.

My husband keeps making jokes about how we are like two ships passing each other in the night because I have become addicted to the internet. It is so easy to get sucked into little communities but even I will admit that I am spending way too much time on the computer. So I am going to limit myself next week.

I am going to make a commitment too to work out everyday so I won't gain weight from not smoking. If Charlize Theron can smoke and not look like it why can't I? Or Jennifer Anniston? She smokes...anyway...I am committed to quiting this time...I am just not happy about it but I want to prove to myself that I can do it and get into the best shape of my life.
So I am trying to quit smoking after fifteen years. Not fun. Its been four days and my desire to smoke is just as great as it was twenty minutes after my last one. Why must everything so fun be bad for you? Too make matters worse, I am obsessed about gaining weight. I like to think that I am anorexic with out the not eating part. I love to eat I just think I am fat when others assure me I'm not. Whatever. I would rather be obsessed aboutgaining weight than complacent.

I joined Quitnet.com for support while I try to quit. It has a life calculator that tells you how much life you have lost based on your years of smoking and how much you get back as you remain smoke free. Hardly encouraging. After smoking 15 years I have only lost a month of my life. That's all? I have managed to get seven hours of that back though since Tuesday. But I have lost countless hours since then just imagining cigarettes.

My thoughts have morphed into a giant cigarette with a man's face coming toward me, tempting me, begging me to come to him. I hear porn music in the background and I feel quite tawdry. But I want him. Badly. I have managed to fight him off thus far.

I have tried to quit before going 'cold turkey'. That to me, is like having a baby without any medicine. Utter stupidity. This time I am using the patch and I even managed to listen to the enclosed support CD a few times. I must admit, listening to the CD almost made me want to pursue other avenues of assistance because the CD is so stupid and the acting is horrible. I would prefer not to be associated with something so ridiculous.

I have been a bitch pretty much to everyone I know for the last few days but it is fun having a legitimate excuse to be one. No matter what you do or say, understanding dawns when you say "Sorry...I'm trying to quit smoking. Now hand me those #$@ing fries."